A Level Results – Careers Guidance
As A level Results day is fast approaching please be aware of the support and guidance that is available.
Check out the advice from Skills Jersey: https://www.gov.je/News/2019/Pages/ResultsDaysAdvice.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0kcyvLnkjQmvOUj36WKWtJx9dXX636TFkas2kwWdf6iIyPAfYp1WCtHc8
To help students on the day, the Careers Guidance team is letting islanders know where they can go for support and what they should do if any student doesn’t receive the results they are hoping for.
As well as being in schools on the day, a careers advisor will be present at the YES drop-in from 11:15am – 2pm to chat to students about results and talk through options.