Your Voice
As a service we want to make sure that all young people are aware that they have a voice, and that this voice should be listened to. Please find below some different ways of ensuring your voice is heard.
Jersey Youth Parliament
Jersey Youth Parliament is an island wide forum for young people to discuss, research and connect current issues to the States Assembly.
The project supports young people in Jersey to lead and engage in discussions about issues that affect them. The current parliament consists of a diverse group of young people, aged 12-18, that are working on three campaigns: housing, diversity and inclusion and the right to play. Over their 18 month term the members present findings to Members of the States Assembly, engage with the work of scrutiny and a compile reports to share with ministers.
Contact for more details or follow on social media for updates.
Recommended Resources
Jersey Children's Commissioner
- Support children and young people to find out about children’s rights.
- Listen to children and young people to find out what’s important to them.
- Advise children, young people and those who care for them if they’ve got nowhere else to go with their problems.
- Influence government and other organisations who say they’re going to make a difference to children’s lives, making sure they keep their promises to children and young people.
- Speak up for children and young people on important issues – being the children’s champion.
The UNCRC is an agreement written by the member countries of the United Nations. It lists over 40 rights that belong to children and young people and is part of international law. You can read a summary of these rights by clicking on the following link Children’s rights.
Recommended Resources
Compliments, Comments, Complaints
At the YES Project we value your feedback and want to hear what you think.
You can tell us about your experience within the Jersey Youth Service, your experience with other agencies or just tell us about something that you have seen or has happened to you.
Whether or not it is a compliment, comment or complaint, we will listen to what you have to say. You should never be scared to speak out, no matter what it is.
You can tell us in multiple different ways:
- In person – come to our drop-in.
- By phone – call our freephone on 0800 7350010.
- By text – send us a message on 07797 778424 via text or WhatsApp
- By email – email us via
- By social media – message us on Facebook @JerseyYouthService
- Use the links below
Recommended Resources
Feedback to the Government of Jersey
The YES project is a project within the Jersey Youth Service partly funded by the Government of Jersey and the charity The Jersey Youth Trust.
If you would like to send feedback about the Jersey Youth Service or another Government of Jersey service you can do so using the link below.
The Government’s commitment:
At the Government of Jersey, we always want to improve the services we provide our community. Hearing about people’s experiences of using our services is one of the ways we learn about what’s working, as well as where we need to improve.
The Government of Jersey is committed to providing a high standard of service to the people of Jersey. We’d love to hear what we’ve done well, and what we could do better, so that we can provide the best experience possible for all our customers.
All complaints, compliments and suggestions we receive will be handled in accordance with our Customer feedback policy. These processes mean that feedback is heard, concerns are addressed in the right way and that we can make improvements to the services we deliver
Recommended Resources
Prefer to ask us a question in person?
Get in Touch
Find Us
Youth Enquiry Service, The Link, Eagle House, La Colomberie, St Helier JE2 4QBCall Us
01534 280530Text Us
07797 778424Email Us