Young Carers

Young people with caring responsibilities are unlikely to describe themselves as "Young Carers" or even "carers". Young Carers are often not identified and they may not want everyone to know about their situation.

Young Carers

It is important that Young Carers are given the opportunity to receive appropriate support and that everyone is able to recognise that a young person may be a Young Carer.

What is a Young Carer?

A Young Carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.

The youth service provides a youth project called ‘My Time’ which offers free activities and time out of the home for young people who experience caring responsibilities.

How can you identify if someone is a Young Carer?

Someone needs support + The young person is impacted + They care and provide support of some kind = Young Carer

1) Someone needs support

This could be someone they live with or someone they visit including visiting a care home.

Who might they care for?

  • Parent
  • Sibling
  • Grandparent
  • Other family member
  • A close friend or family friend

Why might someone need care?

  • Short term illness or injury
  • Long term illness or injury
  • Disability
  • Mental health problems
  • Drugs misuse
  • Alcohol misuse

2) The young person is impacted

This could include any of the following:

  • They don’t get to go out and play as much.
  • They are worried about the person with the support need.
  • They don’t get the same opportunities as their peers.
  • They don’t have as much time for themselves.
  • They need to think about the person they support before making plans for themselves.

3) They care and provide support in some way

This could be:

  • Spending time with the person with the support need
  • Looking after siblings for a parent with a support need
  • Housework
  • Shopping
  • Cooking
  • Physical care – helping someone out of bed or up stairs
  • Emotional Support – talking or listening to someone
  • Collecting prescriptions and medical supplies
  • Personal care – helping someone dress or wash
  • Managing the family budget
  • Helping to give medicine
  • Helping someone communicate

Supporting could be doing just one of the above or even something different that helps. The support Young Carers provide is not always visible!

What does My Time offer?

Weekly Sessions

Monday – School Year 9+ – at Grands Vaux Youth Centre – 18:00 – 20:30 – Free.

Saturday – School Year 5-8 – at Le Squez Youth Project – 10:00 – 12:00 – Free.


Regular trips out chosen and planned by our young people giving them the chance to have fun and gain skills.

Holiday Programmes

We offer holiday programmes packed full of fun activities during all school holidays.


Each group get at least one residential trip each year. They get the opportunity to plan and take part in fun games and activities that allow them to have new experiences and build confidence and self-esteem.

Young People are welcome to turn up to one of our sessions or contact the Lead Youth Worker Jo Dove to arrange a visit.

Young people do not need to be referred however professionals can contact Jo for information.

Where can I go for support and advice?

If you need information, support or advice you can contact the following services which are able to help…

My Time

Tel: 01534 280515


For all Young Carers support, information and guidance.

Youth Enquiry Service

Tel: 01534 280530


Or drop in to ‘The Link’

JACI (Jersey Association of Carers)

CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau)

Telephone: 01534 724942


You can donate to My Time by visiting


Prefer to ask us a question in person?

Get in touch to arrange a meeting and get support

Get in Touch

Find Us

Youth Enquiry Service, The Link, Eagle House, La Colomberie, St Helier JE2 4QB

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01534 280530

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07797 778424

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