Is running away the right decision for me?
Sometimes when things become overwhelming we want to leave the situation however here are some things to consider before making your decision.
What are the risks of running away?
Running away may feel like the answer but it can be dangerous.
Children and young people who run away are at increased risk of being hurt or harmed while they’re away.
They may do things that can put themselves in danger while away from home, like stealing or begging to survive.
They could be talked into doing sexual acts in return for affection/cigarettes/money/drugs/alcohol/gifts.
Many young people we spoke to had stayed with someone they had just met or slept rough. Sleeping rough is not an option. It is harmful to health and at worst can be life-threatening.
Being on the street or in an unsafe place (even someone’s home as you don’t know who else might live there) means there is a risk of coming to harm or something happening to you that you wouldn’t like.
What should you do if you are thinking of running away?
- Talk to someone. Ideally an adult you trust, it could be a grandparent, aunty, youth worker, teacher, school counsellor, social worker or even a friend. Try find a better solution to your problems than running away
- Talk to someone who understands the things you are going through
If you don’t know who to talk to, contact YES who can provide support and advice.
Pop-in to our drop-in and speak to a Youth Worker.
Call YES on 01534 280530
Text YES on 07797 778 424
Other agencies you can contact for advice:
States of Jersey Police: 01534 612612
Childline: 0800111
Recommended Resources
What can you do if you're worried about someone who's thinking of running away?
- Speak to an adult you trust as soon as possible – it could be a relative, Youth Worker, Teacher, Social Worker
- If your friend has run away or you think they might be about to, then talk to a trusted adult ASAP so they stay safe. Find out where they might go and who with
Who to tell?
YES – offer free confidential advice and information to anyone 25 years old and under.
Contact: 01534 280530 or 07797 778424.
Pop in to the drop-in during the opening times.
States of Jersey Police – can be contacted 24hrs a day and their enquiry desk is open from 7:00am to 10:00pm.
Contact: 01534 612612
Pop in to the Police Headquarters.
MASH is an organisation set up to oversee safeguarding concerns for children and young people in Jersey.
Contact: 01534 519000 between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
Out of Hours: 01534 442000 – ask for Children Services.
Prefer to ask us a question in person?
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Youth Enquiry Service, The Link, Eagle House, La Colomberie, St Helier JE2 4QBCall Us
01534 280530Text Us
07797 778424Email Us