Online Resources
Please find below a few online resources that you can use to keep busy. Maybe you need some support with your schoolwork, or you want to take up learning something new, hopefully you can find just the thing for you below.
Well-Being Worksheets
Please find below some worksheets for different areas of well-being. Hopefully these may be of use if you are struggling with certain things currently.
By clicking on the links beneath the headings you can download the word documents that contain the worksheets.
Release Stress Worksheets
Sleep Hygiene Worksheets
Goal Setting Worksheets
Online Work From Home
Learning At Home
The Government of Jersey has worked to put together a specific website aimed at helping parents and young people complete work at home whilst schools are closed. This site will hopefully help you find the resources and information you need to create a healthy balance between learning at home and having fun.
Please find the website below:
Think U Know
Think U Know has set up some home activity packs for staying safe online for different age groups. This is especially important nowadays due to lots more being moved online.
Please find the worksheets at the below address:
Employment Support
If you are currently looking for a job or apply to something new, it is important to have a well written CV. Please click below to download a worksheet which will guide you in doing this.
CV Writing Sheet
Mindfulness Colouring
Sometimes it is nice to relax and do something simple like colouring in. So grab your favourite colours and download these colouring sheets. If you don’t have access to a printer, you can always take a print screen and edit them in a paint or colouring app!
Mindfulness Colouring Sheets
Suggestions Box
Please fill out the below suggestions form to provide us with any ideas of resources that you might be wanting from us. All comments are greatly appreciated!
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Youth Enquiry Service, The Link, Eagle House, La Colomberie, St Helier JE2 4QBCall Us
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