Are you looking to find employment? We have listed some contacts that can support you in helping to achieve this. If you need any support in accessing any of these services please contact us. We can help you!
Back To Work
Back to work scheme is for ages 16-25 years old.
Back to work involves:
- an employment advisor to support and guide you towards paid work
- optional work experience in an area that interests you
- skills and training relevant to the job market and your individual needs
- strengthening your CV
- the change to forge a valuable relationship with a local employer
- help with preparing interviews and work
- access to a wide range of job-specific training
- the tools and confidence you need to find and apply for jobs
- motivation and focus by having a productive daily routine
Contact: 01534 449372
However if you do not have a phone or credit to do this, pop into YES and we will contact them on your behalf.
Recommended Resources
Advance To Work
Advance to Work is an employment scheme offered by Back to Work for 16 to 24 year olds who are not in full time education.
It includes training, coaching and work experience to help you to find a job.
Who is Advance to Work for?
Advance to Work is for you if you:
- are 16 to 24 years old
- aren’t in full time education
- are out of work and looking for a job
- need work experience
- would like the help of an employment advisor
What Advance to Work Involves:
As an Advance to Work trainee, you will get:
- an employment advisor to support and guide you towards paid work
- optional work experience in an area that interests you
- skills and training relevant to the job market and your individual needs
- a strengthened CV
- the chance to forge a valuable relationship with a local employer
- help with preparing for interviews and work
- access to a wide range of job-specific training
- the tools and confidence you need to find and apply for jobs
- motivation and focus by having a productive daily routine
After you apply for Advance to Work
Once we have your application, we will contact you and arrange an interview with one of our employment advisors.
You’ll be able to tell us more about your interests and the type of work you would like to do.
You will then agree a personal action plan with your employment advisor which will set out what will happen next and will help you move into work.
Contact: 01534 447345
However if you do not have a phone or credit to do this, pop into YES and we will contact them on your behalf.
Recommended Resources
Trackers: Apprentice Programme
The Trackers programme supports people aged 16& over in their chosen apprenticeships by providing mentoring and funding for training fees.
All applicants must be employed in the vocational area of their chosen apprenticeship for a minimum of six months (unless applying for the Foundation Apprenticeship).
All applicants must be of the ‘Entitled’ or ‘Entitled to Work’ status.
Contact: 01534 449180
However if you do not have a phone or credit to do this, pop into YES and we will contact them on your behalf.
Recommended Resources
Skills Jersey
Skills Jersey offers a wide range of services including:
- confidential and impartial careers guidance to people of all ages
- links between schools, colleges, universities, industry and other education training providers
- mentoring
- apprenticeships
- work placements
- work shadowing schemes
Contact: 01534 449440
However if you do not have a phone or credit to do this, pop into YES and we will contact them on your behalf.
Recommended Resources
Jersey Employment Trust (JET)
The Jersey Employment Trust (JET) is a charitable trust. There primary role is to assist people with a disability to find and sustain open employment. JET is made up of a number of specialised support services which enable people to access a flexible range of options that can be tailored to their specific needs.
JET works with anyone who has a disability, this includes people who are on the autistic spectrum, have a sensory impairment, learning difficulty, physical impairment, people with long term medical conditions such as cancer or HIV and Aids, mental health issues, brain injury or neurological impairment.
Contact: 01534 788900
However if you do not have a phone or credit to do this, pop into YES and we will contact them on your behalf.
Recommended Resources
Prince's Trust
Princes Trust Programmes
The Prince’s Trust has various programmes that support young people to gain relevant skills and experiences that help them move on into education, training or employment. The courses are available to any young person aged 16-25yrs who are not in employment or education.
There are a few Prince’s courses that are available on the Island:
‘Get Started’ Programme:
The Prince’s Trust runs short courses called ‘Get Started’. They include activities such as sport, music, creative arts and other themes that may interest a young person. The ‘Get Started’ course is a week long programme and will help you develop new skills, gain a qualification and build your confidence.
Who’s it for? Any young person16-25 who are unemployed or not in education.
‘Team’ Programme:
The team programme is a 12 week personal development course that gradually builds young people skills and confidence and on completing will achieve an accredited qualification. The team consists of a group of 12 -15 young people of a range of ages. Over the duration of the course you take part in various activities including a week long residential, two weeks work experience, take part in a community projects and much more. The course is free and provides young people an experience to inspire theme to move forward with new confidence and ambition. It is ideal for young people who feel that a lack of confidence or qualifications are holding the back.
Why do it?
- you will learn practical skills that will help you in a job and in life beyond the course
- you will gain a sense of accomplishment and have a positive impact in the local community
- to get career advice and help job hunting
- get help with your CV
- a nationally recognised qualification
- improved chances of moving into a job, education or training
- a chance to meet other young people in a similar situation
For More information
Contact: 01534 280514
Email: florriecopley@jys.je
Recommended Resources
Employment Law 16 & Under
The Children’s (Regulation of Employment) Order governs how and where young people can be employed, whether they are being paid or not. It applies to people under 16 years old.
The law was brought in to help make sure that working children have the correct balance between their work and school life. It’s about protecting you as a young person and is not intended to make working life difficult for you or your employer.
For more information and details of the law please click on the link below.
Recommended Resources
Employment Law for 16 & Overs
Once you turn 16 in Jersey you are counted as an adult in terms of employment law. This means that you have the same rights as any adults in the workplace.
Knowing what you are entitled to, how you should be treated and what the company has to provide is really important as it keeps both you and your employer safe.
If you are unsure about contract types, your pay or anything in-between feel free to drop into The Link and speak to one of our youth advisors. If we can’t help you we will find someone that can.
Jersey also has a dedicated advisory service called JAC’s (Jersey Advisory Conciliation service). They can help advise you on contracts and provide support on changes in the workplace.
To contact JAC’s
Contact: 01534 730 503
Email: jacs@jacs.org.je
Recommended Resources
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